The province of Veraguas covers 10,677 km² and is the only Panamanian province that borders both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Veraguas´ capital is Santiago de Veraguas, famous for its architecture and historic buildings including the magnificent Santiago Apostol Cathedral. The province of Veraguas is well-known for its biodiversity, which has made it a dreamlike destination for nature lovers, biologists and explorers.
Veraguas is home to Coiba National Park, Santa Fe National Park and Cerro Hoya National Park among others, as well as the popular beaches of Malena, Morio and Santa Catalina. In addition to Santiago de Veraguas, the most notorious district in the province is Santa Fe, a former gold-mining region once known for being the poorest in the country. During the latter 20th century, Santa Fe underwent a massive economic transformation to utilize its natural resources of coffee plantations and in agriculture.